The Institute of arabic and Islamic training Center,Morkaz, Agege, lagos, Nigeria is a private, non-profit, academic,Islamic and Arabic training center, concerned with general training of Islamic and Arabic studies. The Institute was established in Abeokuta, Nigeria in the year 1952 and which was later moved to Lagos, it's present location by the then founder Late SHEICK ADAM ABDULAHI EL-ILORY in 1954. It is independent of local politics, party orientations and ideological biases.
The Institute is an intellectual Training Center working from an Islamic perspective to train, promote and support research projects, organize intellectual and training lectures. It has established a distinct intellectual trend in Islamic training which relates to the vivid legacy of the Ummah (Muslim nation), and its continuous efforts of intellectual and methodological reform. This involves a large number of Lecturers and scholars from various parts of the world.
Mission Statement
The Institute of Arabic and Islamic is dedicated to the revival and training of Islamic values and its methodology in order to enable the Ummah to deal effectively with present challenges, and contribute to the progress of human civilization in ways that will give it a meaning and a direction derived from divine guidance. The realization of such a position will help the Ummah regain its intellectual and cultural identity and re-affirm its presence as a dynamic civilization.
The Institute promotes academic research on the methodology and philosophy of various disciplines, and gives special emphasis to the development of Islamic scholarship in contemporary social sciences. The program, which has become known as "Islamization of Knowledge", endeavors to elucidate Islamic concepts that integrate Islamic revealed knowledge with human knowledge and revives Islamic ethical and moral knowledge.
The most important of it's mission iuncludes the following :-
ONE.. To acquire knoeledge and disseminate to others.
 TWO.. To train and guide mankind to the cause of Islam.
THREE.. To keep strictly to the True and Right path
 FOUR.. To create Islamic awareness
FIVE.. To keep to the purity of Islam.
SIX.. To wage war against Norms and Traditions of Ignorance
SEVEN.. To govern by the noble Qur'an and the traditions of Prophet Muhammed ( S.A.W)
Objectives and Means of MORKAZ
The Institute aims to:
To serve as a center for indepth study of Islamic and Arabic Knowledge.
Formulate a comprehensive Islamic vision and methodology that will help Muslim scholars in their critical analysis of contemporary knowledge.
Develop an appropriate methodology for understanding the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet and firmly establish them as sources of guidance, knowledge and civilization.
Develop an appropriate methodology for dealing with Islamic legacy and contemporary knowledge, in order to draw on the experiences of both past and present, to build a better future for the Ummah and humanity at large.
Develop an appropriate methodology for understanding and dealing with the present situation of both the Ummah and the world in general, in view of contemporary challenges and opportunities.
An Arabic Training center where the Students are empowered with various vocational Training with the primary aim of self reliance.
The Institute seeks to achieve its objectives by:
Directing research and studies to develop Islamic thought and the Islamization of knowledge.
Holding specialized scholarly, intellectual and cultural conferences, seminars and study circles.
It is a thing of joy to graduate from an Arabic and Isalamic Traning Center but it is a pride to be a product the Ce Institute of Arabic and Islamic Training nter (MORKAZ) Agege, Nigeria.Because at this Training Center we uphold strong moral value among the Lecturers and students in addition to quality training.
The uniqueness of MARKAZ was not to be found only in the quality of Education taught to it's pupils. The modern method of teaching and civilization adopted depicted the uniqueness as well as reformation with which teh Institution is characterised. It was MORKAZ which, for the first time in the history of Arabic and Islamic learning in Nigeria , introduced the use of blackboard and chalk in teaching. It was MARKAZ which formalised Islamnic Education by designing astandard curriculum classifying studies into subjects. It was MORKAZ which first introduced school uniform into Madrasah and used examination as a means of promotion of pupils from class toi class . It was MARKAZ which first issued certificate to it's Graduants as a measures of level of Education.
It was MARKAZ that offers courses like handwriting, Syntax, Phonology, Morphology, Arithmetic, Gography, History, Literature, Jurisprudence, Philosophy, Theology, Hadth, and Quran were first taught as separate subjects. It was in MARKAZ that Eid and Friday sermons delivered in Arabic and translated into Yoruba for better undertstanding by the audience. It was in MORKAZ that the females genders have the equal opportrunity to aquire Islamic Education formally like their male counterparts.
Following the first draduation ceremony of 1957 coupled with the quality of knowledge acquired by the students and the seal as well as the desire to be great installed in them by SHEIKH ADAM, various Arabic and Islamic Institutions which can be discribed as the offshoot of MNORKAZ were established by some of Sheikh Adam's past students in West Africa sub region.
For the first three years after the movement of MARKAZ from Abeokuta to Agege in 1955, both the staff and the students of the Institution were observing the Friday and Eid prayers at the Agege Central Mosque. But with the increasing population of MORKAZ and the need for students to gain from the knowledge of Sheikh Adam especially with respect to practical Islam, it became neccessaryu to start the observance of jumat and Eid prayers in MARKAZ.
These were started simultaneously in 1958 with Sheikh Adam himself leading and dilivering sermons in Arabic Language which was translated to the local language for better understanding.
Within a couple of years MARKAZ Mosque has virtually become another Central Mosque in Agege as people started coming to observe their Jumat and Eid prayer from all parts of Lagos. Today , the population of MARKAZ congregation (jumat) is not less than 50,000 ( fifty thousand) faithfuls at any given time and several expansion projects carried out on the mosque in the past have not really taken care of the population, which keeps on growing geometrically with both male and females faithfuls.


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